3 March 2025
3 March 2025
On Thursday 16 January 2025, we kicked off the new year with an online Masterclass exploring how we can create a more inclusive environment in arts and culture for children and young people from low socio-economic or ‘working-class’ backgrounds. The event was hosted by Creative Consultant and practitioner, Dr. Chrissie Tiller, who has extensive experience in participatory and community arts projects, and guided the speakers and attendees through the two-hour event.
The Masterclass consisted of a panel discussion, and we heard from the following speakers:
This packed online session gave us the chance to reflect on:
Dr. Chrissie Tiller's Top Take-Aways from the Masterclass:
Bianca’s top takeaways:
Rhiannon’s top takeaways:
Michelle’s top takeaways:
‘Power Up’ was shared with those that attended the Masterclass and is a text provides a comprehensive guide to the debate around issues of creating equity in the context of community engagement and cultural development, focusing on power dynamics, reciprocity, cultural capital, privilege, participation, values, ethics, collaboration, and politics. It touches on much of the theory and literature referenced during the Masterclass, including Raymond Williams on cultural democracy and Tara Yosso on who has cultural capital. There is an extensive bibliography.
The conversation also referenced Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed and bell hooks: Teaching to Transgress in the context of radical pedagogy as that came up as an important topic in the chat too.
Chrissie’s PhD thesis looks at class and gender in the arts, and discusses cultural democracy, critical pedagogy and intersectionality in depth is now available as part of the commons (though she says it’s probably a bit long for general reading!)
Here are two Guardian articles which talk about the subject of Working Class in the Arts:
Actions for after – moving forward:
We need to look for ways to continue and expand this important conversation and work collectively to find the means to explore alternative models and pathways for working-class artists and creatives to disrupt the existing system, create new pathways and refuse to merely seek acceptance within existing structures.