13 October 2014
13 October 2014
(Image credit: The Dorfman Hub by Sophie Laslett)
If the answer is yes to both, why not deliver dance through the PE & Sports premium funding?
There are currently no stats regarding the use of dance through the PE and Sport premium. There is little information at this stage as to how schools are using the funding overall; though Youth Dance England (YDE) has collected case studies to show good practice in schools.
The premium has been allocated since 2013 and good work and thinking is already happening. The Pan London Dance Group is a network of dance venues, arts centres and development organisations and is currently in the process of developing a pan-London CYP dance strategy for the group members.
There is a palpable opportunity, and more to the point, a hefty budget, for bringing the dance sector and schools further together. A New Direction, the Bridge Organisation for London, funded by the Arts Council, can further help with bringing dance practitioners and organisations together with schools.
Why not aim for a more strategic London-wide approach to encourage every primary school to support dance through the PE in Sport Premium?
If you have read this blog until here, many thanks; I look forward to reading about how you support dance in the curriculum through the PE and Sports premium funding.
For case studies and information about dance in schools, including the PE & Sport premium, Artsmark, professional development courses for PE school co-ordinators, class teachers, teaching assistants, dance coaches and dance artists delivering the new PE National Curriculum, see below.
Dance Teachers Association
– Trinity College London