Aileen Gonsalves has worked as a theatre practitioner for over 25 years. She specialises in authentic connection between actors, directors and the audience. She has developed an innovative new acting approach called The Gonsalves Method with its pioneering 5 conditions for authentic connection.
She works internationally with teachers and artists doing masterclasses and CPD and the method is being adopted by universities in the UK like Northampton University and the newly formed London drama school Collective which specialises in working with under-represented groups. Twelve years ago, she founded Butterfly Theatre Collective, an immersive theatre company performing Shakespeare productions in caves, forests and places of extraordinary beauty. She has worked with the RSC for over 20 years as a director, actor and educational associate practitioner. More recently, she has co-written Shakespeare and Meisner for Bloomsbury and Arden for teachers and artists and is an associate artist with Kali Theatre which develops South Asian women writers. She is now working with non-artists using the Gonsalves Method including teachers, lawyers, doctors, politicians and anyone who uses communication in their work.