Elevating the Arts in Your School

This resource supports the planning of curriculum-led art projects and explores how to elevate students' creative work

In this short series of videos and accompanying resource, Artsmark Partner Art Hoppers share their approach to planning curriculum-led creative projects, and explain how their downloadable resource can be used to exchange thoughts, generate ideas, and create art projects.

This resource can be used to:

  • Support cross-curricular planning
  • Update and refresh curriculum planning
  • Help plan one-off events such as Creativity Week
  • Support you to establish a permanent exhibition space

Creative curriculum design – CPD resource for teachers

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The focus of Art Hoppers' Artsmark offer is taking children's art off the notice board and putting it into the gallery.

This resource contains five red 'TRADE' cards which guide teachers through the planning of art projects informed by curriculum topics. The cards follow the Art Hoppers method of planning and delivery, leading to exhibitions of children's art inspired by past and contemporary artists. The Pupil Voice section of each card also creates opportunities to engage children in class discussions about art.

The five blue 'ART ED' case study cards show examples of Art Hoppers exhibition outcomes of children's art in schools and lists the artists associated with various topics.

The cards encourage open-ended questions and encourage creative ways to 'think and link' topic content with new ideas. The cards tease out keywords and encourage playful associations for online searches of artists, artworks, and art movements, leading toward the design of exciting cross-curricular art projects. No art knowledge is required; there are no wrong answers and no limits to the imagination. Offering your individual perspective is what makes for great ideas.

Find out more about Art Hoppers

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Art Hoppers projects are designed and delivered in response to each schools interests and needs. Projects are informed by curriculum topics and inspired by diverse and exciting artists.

Gayhurst school case study

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In this short video, you will hear from Gayhurst Community School about their five year long partnership with Art Hoppers. As part of this, they ran a stand-alone gallery space in the school playground, exclusively for the exhibition of children's art.

Teachers and pupils discuss the impact of their partnership and how the exhibitions are an opportunity to bring the school community together.

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