Related CLC projects

Isabel Lilly, Creative Lead LSA - Lauriston Primary, Hackney

Wellbeing through the arts

Isabel piloted a tailored arts programme to meet specific mental health needs of a small group of Year 4 children which was designed with input from mental health professionals. Isabel’s intention was to develop a model of good practice that could eventually be scaled throughout the school. Using art based techniques and activities, the children chose to explore and share “random acts of kindness” through the school. The impact on the students wellbeing was evaluated throughout the process and the positive outcomes means the programme will be delivered and refined in the new academic year.

Stella Wilson, Partnership and Wellbeing Coordinator - Queens Park Primary School, Westminster

Wellbeing in holiday time

Stella’s project was to pilot a new wellbeing provision as part of a programme of free extracurricular activities over the holidays. The project took place over four days and was an arts-lead exploration of ‘identity, ownership and your place in the world’.

Khalida Wahid, Class Teacher and Humanities Lead - Netley Primary School, Camden

Refining the creative curriculum

Khalida began her project by asking, ‘How do we know our creative curriculum is effective?’ Gathering responses through a series of conversations and questionnaires, she discovered teachers were generally happy with the school’s approach to its embedded creative curriculum and that they were able to clearly articulate its impact and benefit. It was also revealed, however, that some teachers lacked confidence in their ability to deliver some of this curriculum or needed more time to properly explore and engage with topics. Having high levels of consultation and a strong body of evidence, Khalida was able to develop a plan with her head teacher and SLT that included further INSETs for staff and which will ultimately lead to a revision of the timetable to allow for more planning and co-learning between teachers.