Course features:
- A live industry brief to produce your own 5–10 minute Podcast
- Use of a Macbook Pro and the Adobe Suite for the duration of the programme, plus audio recording equipment
- Access to industry leaders and mentors
- Industry talks and masterclasses as well as practical workshops
- 101 to broadcasting w/ Sony Music Entertainment
- Ideation w/ Almass Badat
- Storytelling w/ Bianca Manu
- Imposter Syndrome w/ Kei Maye
- The Big Platforms Production 101 w/ The Podcast Show, Audible & Spotify
- The Independents Production 101 w/ Reduced Listening
- Broadcasting with Sensitivity w/ Vanessa Maria (Resident Advisor), Raymond Tannor & Jesse Lawson
- Storytelling through Sound w/ Axel Kacoutié (The Guardian)
- Editorial Practice and Finding Your Story
- Recording/Editing Sound & Quality w/ Mae Li
- Presenting It (1xtra, Kiss FM, Asian Network )& Producing It - Panel Discussions
- Development – Perfecting an idea and standing out
- Independent Radio Panel w/ NTS, Foundation FM, No Signal
- Factory – Post-Production Sound & Music Supervision
- Presentation Skills Workshop
- Money, IP, and Making It Pay w/ Dan Moss & Ami Bennet (Colour It In Studios)
- Sound IRL, Community & Events w/ Dialled In
- Marketing Your Work w/ Raj Pander
- 4x Employability Sessions