Creative Wandsworth

Empowering young creatives, supporting schools, and piloting creative projects

Creative Wandsworth is an emerging Local Cultural Education Partnership in the borough of Wandsworth which aims to empower young creatives, support schools and other youth organisations, and pilot creative projects to encourage creativity in young people of all ages.

Creative Wandsworth aims to empower young people in Wandsworth to inform and shape creative activity in their area by working in partnership with cultural organisations, schools, youth services and other local partners to deliver projects and activities which inform strategic outcomes for young people of all ages. Creative Wandsworth is a network of creative and cultural organisations and is part of the Cultivate Education Programme, led by Enable Leisure & Culture on behalf of Wandsworth Council.

Challenge London funding will be used to formalise this network into a sustainable Local Cultural Education Partnership. The local authority and other education partners will work together to define a clear strategy for young people’s creative and cultural engagement in the borough. Challenge London investment will be used to set up a creative youth panel to inform and shape creative activity in the borough, aiming to empower young creatives and give them the means to help develop and set the cultural agenda.

Creative Wandsworth will also pilot creative projects chosen and informed by young people and will set strong outcomes for the young people involved, including work-related learning and creative careers opportunities. They will actively encourage performance and producing opportunities within existing frameworks – for example, Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival - and will support young creatives to take advantage of existing funding opportunities available to them, guiding and mentoring them to facilitate creative project proposals.

In addition, they will work closely with schools to provide regular teacher networking & CPD opportunities as well as supporting schools in an ongoing capacity to provide a creative curriculum across all subject areas.

Challenge London investment from A New Direction: £65,000 over three years

This partnership is also receiving Challenge London Legacy Funding

Creative Wandsworth website

Contact: Katherine Hill, Cultivate & Creative Wandsworth Programme Manager: