Being a part of the Small Change programme has significant personal and organisational benefits:

  • Access to tools to negotiate change: the programme provides a range of techniques and tools that can be used for group and organisational change, from appraisals, to project management and strategy development
  • Confidence in managing complex project objectives: participants are supported to develop individual approaches to approaching workloadsthat are manageable and achieve positive outcomes
  • Access to peer support and connections: Small Change encourages a peer development approach to ongoing learning. Participants make lasting connections with other organisations to share learning and good practice
  • Support and space: participants access support to developfresh ideas and perspectives andspace toiron outchallenges
It was very useful to explore experiences within a wider professional framework that recognised impacts of organisational change …I retain a sense of agency in terms of improving my/others ability to cope with change…
- Small Change programme participant 2019