Reflections and questions

  • What did your ‘clouds’ reveal to you about your experience of life and work right now? Did anything surprise you?
  • When you connected your suns with your clouds, what did you notice? Did it change how you felt about the challenges, and if so how?
  • How did you feel about expressing challenges through drawing? What did you find easiest? Most difficult?
  • Clouds, suns and sky is one metaphorical approach to expressing things that are challenging for us. What are some other ways that might work, whether for you or others in your life? For instance, what if we created a landscape, or even a whole universe representing what was challenging and what was good and how they related?
  • Make it bigger! What if you created dozens of clouds and suns and used coloured yarn or string to make a ‘sky’ in an entire room?
  • How might you use this activity with colleagues, friends, family or young people? What would you need to alter, if anything, to make it work best for each group?