Reflections & questions


  • What did your ‘raw’ freewrite reveal to you about your experience of life and work right now? Did anything surprise you?
  • How did you feel about this particular way of writing?
  • What starting prompt are you most interested in exploring, and why? It could be one from our list, or your own.
  • Consider experimenting with the length of time you write for and notice what’s different. How would it be to freewrite for one minute, or 10 minutes?

Prose poetry

  • Think about the words you chose for your prose poem and the way you chose to arrange them. What stands out for you and why?
  • Are there particular words whose qualities feel important to you right now? Think about the sounds of words, how they look on the page or screen, what feelings or memories they evoke.

General questions

  • How was writing through your challenges different than other ways of expressing or dealing with them?
  • How might you use these activities with colleagues, friends, family or young people? It might be different with each group.