Hosting a CPD session

For the Cultural Leadership Community (CLC) strand of the programme, there will be four half-day CPD sessions. A New Direction would like to invite four Advocate schools to each host one of these. Acting as a host school involves:

  • Providing a suitable space for the session (to accommodate up to 30 people), and refreshments where possible (or at minimum, access to hot water for tea and coffee). An ideal space would be the school hall, with AV provided if possible
  • Presenting at or co-delivering the CPD session with Nimble Fish and sharing practice and experience relevant to the session theme (see below)
  • Sharing practice in other ways if possible, e.g. through pupil presentations, a learning walk, etc.

A New Direction can cover costs if needed.

Advocates hosting a CLC CPD session will be offered half a day of additional mentoring support to prepare for this (see below).

CLC CPD sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • Curriculum Innovation through the Arts: Wednesday 20 November 2019, 13.00-16.30 (plus optional support surgery 17.00-19.00)
  • Pedagogy/Practice Innovation through the Arts: Tuesday 28 January 2020, 13.00-16.30 (plus optional support surgery 17.00-19.00)
  • Wellbeing and the Arts: Thursday 19 March 2020, 13.00-16.30 (plus optional support surgery 17.00-19.00)
  • Building Creative Skills for 21st Century Global Competitiveness: Thursday 21 May 2020, 13.00-16.30 (plus optional support surgery 17.00-19.00)

Please note that in all cases space would be needed from midday for set-up, and until 7pm for support surgery delivery.