A New Direction highly values the work of our Advocates and is committed to supporting all Advocates to be as successful as possible. Support available in 2019/20 will include the following:
Network development
- In addition to the support offered via working group meetings and online through Basecamp, each Advocate will be offered half a day of mentoring and support via phone and/or email to enable them to maximise the impact of their network development
- Each Advocate will be eligible to apply for a small amount of funding to support their network through the programme. Details of this will be provided at Session 1
Any Advocate working to deliver a TeachMeet on behalf of A New Direction will be offered an additional half day of mentoring from Nimble Fish to support their planning and preparations for delivery. The Senior Programme Manager will also support planning and decision making. Two members of the A New Direction team will also attend the event to support delivery.
Hosting a CLC CPD session
Any Advocate hosting a CLC CPD session will be offered an additional half day of mentoring to support their planning and preparations for codelivery with Nimble Fish.
Advocates will also receive:
- Access to a small budget to support their network development
- Access to a small resource budget to support attendance at conferences and other events
- Advocacy resources and materials from A New Direction
- Signposting to opportunities, resources and events from A New Direction and other relevant organisations
- Artsmark support from A New Direction’s Artsmark team
- Match funding for Arts Award Adviser training for one member of staff when another is trained
- Support from A New Direction, Nimble Fish and peers between sessions via a closed social network (Basecamp)
- Certificate and transcript of participation at the end of the programme