
A TeachMeet is an informal twilight networking event run by teachers, for teachers. Each event focusses on one theme and invites teachers and other interested parties to deliver a short presentation (usually no longer than 7 minutes) on their work related to that theme. Refreshments are provided, and there is time planned in for networking.

A New Direction’s TeachMeets are open to teachers, other teaching professionals, and the cultural sector.

A New Direction plans to work with Advocates to deliver three TeachMeets in 2020; in Spring 1 (Feb), Spring 2 (March/April) and Summer 1 (June). Advocates interested in co-delivering TeachMeets should include this in their application, indicating their preferred date and suggested themes, as well as which other Advocate(s) they intend to work with (this should be agreed in advance with those named). Advocates are welcome to involve a cultural partner in the co-delivery of their event if they wish; please indicate this on your application form.

For each event, Advocates will be responsible for:

  • Identifying and booking a suitable venue (A New Direction can support with this)
  • Setting the event theme and title
  • Writing the event description
  • Promoting the event
  • Identifying potential speakers
  • Reviewing offers to speak from other attendees and making a selection (with A New Direction)
  • Setting the running order
  • Hosting the event
  • Writing a blog after the event for A New Direction’s website

A New Direction will

  • Set planning milestones for the event
  • Pay all event costs (including venue and catering costs)
  • Deal with risk assessment
  • Create the event booking form and deal with all bookings
  • Promote the event
  • Support Advocates to identify speakers if needed
  • Support Advocates to review offers to speak from other attendees
  • Provide staff to cover registration and venue liaison at the event itself
  • Support delivery of the event
  • Undertake all monitoring and evaluation of the event

Advocates will also have access to a small resource budget, as needed, and will receive additional mentoring support for TeachMeets, see below.