The programme

Advocates are supported by A New Direction and Nimble Fish to act as leaders in cultural education and to further develop their strategic leadership skills. Working in a cohort of like-minded peers, participants are able to share practice and ideas, build partnerships, and develop new work.

Participants will attend two full-day CPD sessions at the start and end of the programme, and a minimum of three evening working group meetings.

The first and last sessions of the programme will run as full days and are compulsory for all Advocates. In these sessions, participants will work alongside colleagues participating in A New Direction’s Cultural Leadership Community programme.

  • Session 1: launch/induction will include updates on key issues in cultural education, A New Direction’s current priorities, and an opportunity to get to know colleagues on both the Advocates and Cultural Leadership Community strands of the programme. In addition, specific activity for Advocates will focus on:
    • Advocacy skills
    • Network development
    • Event planning (TeachMeets etc)
    • Tailoring planned programme content to meet group needs and priorities
  • Session 2: sharing and celebration will be an opportunity for all participants in both strands of the leadership programme to share and celebrate what they have achieved throughout the 1920 programme. All Advocates will be expected to present at this session.

Interim sessions will take the form of working dinners (one per half term), exploring key strategic issues in leadership in cultural education (including through inspirational speakers), and working towards key advocacy milestones. These meetings will usually take place at A New Direction’s offices, with members of the A New Direction team joining where relevant. Dinner and drinks will be provided.

Each working group meeting will take place after school, and Advocates must attend at least three of these. Each session will explore key strategic issues in leadership development and cultural education, including:

  • Fundraising
  • Networking
  • Producing
  • Advocacy
  • Other key cultural leadership skills

Any additional content for these sessions will be tailored to the needs, priorities and interests of programme participants (based on information from application forms and additional conversations at Session 1). They will also include:

  • The chance to connect with colleagues working at or with A New Direction on current priorities and new developments
  • Support for network development activity
  • Work towards successful co-delivery of TeachMeets and/or other events
  • Planning for co-delivery opportunities and external presentations

On occasion, working group meetings may be attended by previous Advocates, both to further their skill development and so they can share their experience with the current cohort.

Working dinners will take place once per half term in Autumn2, Spring1, Spring2, and Summer1. Advocates must attend a minimum of three sessions. When applying to join the programme please indicate which sessions you will attend.

Advocates will also gain professional experience by undertaking advocacy activity over the course of the programme. This will comprise:

  • Development of a schools network (whether new or existing): see below

And either

  • Co-planning and co-delivering a Teachmeet along with one or more other Advocates, where possible, and in partnership with A New Direction: see below


  • Hosting one of the four half day CPD sessions for CLC: see below


  • Presenting at one of the following:
  • CPD session within this programme
  • Teachmeet run by other Advocates
  • A New Direction’s Creative INSET Programme
  • Artsmark training or support
  • Other A New Direction programme events