Time commitment and costs

The estimated time commitment for the A New Direction Advocates programme is around 10 days in total:

  • 2 days for attendance at full-day induction and sharing sessions at the start and end of the programme
  • 5 days for attendance of working group sessions
  • Half a day of mentoring from Nimble Fish
  • Plus around 6 days independent work to develop a schools network and undertake other Advocacy activity as described above (TeachMeet / hosting a CLC CPD session / presenting or co-delivering elsewhere), plus additional support where relevant

This programme is offered by A New Direction free of charge. We regret that we are not able to pay for cover or transportation costs. For full day sessions, lunch and refreshments will be provided. For evening working group meetings, drinks and dinner will be provided.

Full day sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • Launch/induction: Thursday 17 October 2019, 9.30-16.30, @ Sadlers’ Wells
  • Sharing and celebration: Thursday 18 June 2020, 9.30-17.00, venue TBC

Working group meetings will take place on the following dates (participants must attend a minimum of three of these meetings):

  • Session 1: Wednesday 30 October 2019, 00-20.00, @ A New Direction
  • Session 2: Thursday 16 January 2020, 00-20.00, @ A New Direction
  • Session 3: Tuesday 3 March 2020, 00-20.00, @ A New Direction
  • Session 4: Thursday 30 April 2020, 00-20.00, @ A New Direction

Venues will be confirmed no later than September.

All venues will be fully accessible. Please indicate on your application form if you have any access requirements.