Outcomes for participants

  • Increased understanding of cultural leadership and improved cultural leadership skills
  • Increased knowledge and understanding of the value of arts and cultural learning in schools
  • Increased knowledge and understanding of current debates on effective pedagogy in arts and cultural education
  • Increased skills and confidence to evaluate cultural education activity in school
  • Increased knowledge and understanding of how to raise additional funding for cultural education
  • Increased skills and confidence in establishing relationships with the cultural sector
  • Increased capacity to deliver Arts Award and achieve Artsmark

Feedback from previous participants

Thank you so much, I have looked forward to these sessions every half term. I am so excited to see the growth of the arts in my school and beyond!
Loved these sessions - so inspiring and refreshing! I have faith in education again every time I leave a session
It is one of the most rewarding INSET experiences I have been involved in in 24 years of teaching. Excellent value. I would love to be still involved in future
Thank you for a really inspiring course. This forum helped me to validate the work I do
Thank you, I have found being part of CLC a valuable experience. The people have been supportive of each other and great in sharing with each other. Brilliant!