
School Development Priority

The development of the arts in a severe learning difficulties school community.

Creative Catalyst Project

To support 4 members of staff to become Creative Champions who work with pupils to create a numeracy inspired Art Show that is shared with the wider school community and beyond.

Project update after school visits

  • Four teachers are being supported to become Creative Pioneers - leading the way in exploring arts-led approaches to concepts of time, a key numeracy driver at the school
  • Their Creative Practitioner has introduced a wide range of new materials and facilitated exploratory planning sessions in which the Pioneers ‘get their hands dirty’ and get a feel for what experiential or haptic numeracy could look and feel like
  • Exciting and sometimes challenging conversations are occurring about our creative ‘comfort zones’ and how to push them, both for teachers and the Creative Practitioner

"Creamy clay, sunography cards… these are things I haven’t used before and I like that" - Tash Cossey, Creative Practitioner working with The Priory on their Creative Catalyst Project, considers how her practice has shifted towards more tactile materials for this project.