Report: Creative & Cultural Education National Survey

A New Direction worked with colleagues across the country to find out the needs and aspirations of schools ahead of the new academic year

17 August 2020

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, A New Direction worked in collaboration with our colleagues in the Bridge England Network to conduct a National School Survey.

The purpose of this survey was to gather indicative information from schools about the potential needs and creative aspirations for their pupils from autumn 2020 onwards. The aim was to identify how Bridges and the cultural sector might best support schools moving forward.

The survey was conducted in the last two weeks of the academic year, in what was a very challenging school term, with the aim of gathering the most relevant information. Bridge England Network is hugely grateful to all those educators who were able to find the time to respond.

Some key findings

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Download the full report

Who are Bridge England Network?

The Bridge England Network is made up of 10 organisations who receive funding from Arts Council England to connect the cultural sector and the education sector so that children & young people can have access to great arts and cultural opportunities.

All of these organisations – of which A New Direction is one – work with local schools, art organisations, museums, libraries, music education hubs, local authorities, Further Education and Higher Education Institutions and many other partners to develop a network of cultural provision. We also support schools to achieve Artsmark and organisations to deliver Arts Award.

The Arts Council invests £10 million a year in Bridge organisations who are also working in at least 100 places across the country to galvanize Local Cultural Education Partnerships.

Bridge Organisations are co-funded with the Department for Education.

Find out more
