Introducing 'Future Directions' - is getting involved in the creative

London remains a global powerhouse for the creative sector, but is getting involved in its success really open to all?

15 September 2010

Between October 2010 and March 2011, A New Direction will be bringing together key public agencies, policy makers and thinkers from across the creative and cultural sectors to take part in 'Future Directions' - a series of three round table discussions aimed at sparking new thinking on how young Londoners get the start they need to build fulfilling careers in the arts and creative industries.

Each event will look at a different aspect of the topic, considering the key questions and evidence and looking at whether there is an agenda for change.

Crucially, young people will be able to feed into the discussion via the Future Directions web pages, and at the end of the series there will be a special debate by young people on the issues that have emerged, resulting in the launch of a publication in Spring 2011.

'Future Directions' is the start of a campaign to ensure all young Londoners have an equal chance to benefit from the extraordinary creativity of the capital city.

The Discussions

Future Directions 1 (15 October 2010)
Is it all about who you know?

Routes to employment in the arts and cultural sectors.
What are the barriers to entry in the arts and cultural industries, and how can the sector take responsibility for being more open and transparent?

Future Directions 2 (11 November 2010)
Creative London 2020

Growing a local workforce for the creative industries of the future.
How is the most creative city on the planet ensuring its young people are equipped to become the creative workforce of 2020?

Future Directions 3 (w/c 13 December 2010)
Young people are the legacy

The Future Directions web pages will be launched on this site on Monday 20 September - get involved!