Challenge London aims and themes

Key themes affecting young people's capacity to develop creatively

The key themes underpinning the Challenge London programme were:

You can read and download documentation with supporting evidence for each by clicking the links above, or download a combined document here. You can also download a high res version of the Challenge London map here.

Our aims for the Challenge London programme between 2018 and 2022 were

  • Partnerships: constructing sustainable, innovative partnerships to support young people's creativity and cultural engagement
  • Outcomes: enabling strong cultural and creative outcomes for young people (0-25) in London
  • Investment:generating new investment for culture and creativity

A New Direction has undertaken a range of research over the past two years including Caring for Cultural Freedom with King’s College London and Building Creative Places for Young People with Social Life. Outcomes from these pieces of work have helped us understand our context and how we can think about the complex interactions of places and networks that influence young people’s development. You can find out more about our research here.

This blog by Challenge London evaluator, Hannah Wilmot, also shares statistics and research outlining issues faced by young people in the wake of coronavirus, and considers them through the lens of our six Challenge London themes.