Course Content

The course content will include:

  • Thematic content, with input from education, leadership, creativity, culture and arts specialists
  • Opportunities to share learning with peers
  • ‘Cultural education in practice’ sessions
  • ‘Leadership for change’ project content and support

Teaching days will take place at UCL (either at UCL East in Stratford, or at UCL in Bloomsbury) or in cultural venues across central London, with the opportunity to explore these during the day.

Our school and cultural organisation visits will enable participants to explore the principles of effective cultural education in action at two expert settings, with the opportunity to share learning, make connections and ask questions.

Alongside this, participants will be expected to allocate four days to their ‘Leadership for Change’ project. This should be supported by their school, both in terms of time and collaboration.

The programme is fully funded and, in addition, A New Direction will contribute up to £2,000 per participant towards cover costs.

An additional access budget is available to support BSL interpretation or other access costs relating to the programme where needed.

Participants will also be offered opportunities to take part in and experience a range of cultural and creative activities to develop their understanding of London’s cultural and creative offer throughout the programme.

In addition, participants will receive:

  • An invitation to a welcome event in September, including tickets for them and a member of SLT to attend a theatre performance
  • A Teacher Art Pass to support their personal arts enjoyment, learning and development
  • A copy of Catalyst (evidence-informed resources to support and promote collaborative professional learning and development of teacher leaders in and across schools)
  • Reading lists and other related resources.