A New Direction’s Young Londoners’ survey helped us uncover a number of key patterns in young people’s participation in arts and culture in London. It gave us an overview of how socio-economic background, geography, education and working status as well as parental influence, affect participation.

This report includes findings from a piece of ethnographic research into the lives of 20 young Londoners, conducted in 2014. It is a rich and vivid account what young people’s relationship with arts and culture is like on a day to day basis, their perceptions of London as a cultural city and the deeper motivations that are at the heart of their engagement.

Culminating with the detailed portraits of eight Londoners, the research gives texture, colour and a deeper perspective on many of the findings from our previous research. It also opened our eyes to some of the things that a survey alone can’t tell us…

Download My Culture, My London Research Report

You might also like to read this blog piece by A New Direction's Caterina Violi, in which she explores some of the findings in more detail.