AND launches brand new Teaching Schools Map

We present an interactive map that shows Teaching Schools Alliances in London, their lead Teaching Schools, the schools in their alliances, university alliance partners, and arts & cultural organisations they've been working with.

13 May 2013

Access the Schools map here

Teaching schools are 'outstanding' schools or academies that have applied to take on additional responsibilities for leading on the training and professional development of teachers, support staff and headteachers, as well as helping to raise standards through school-to-school support.

We want to understand how Teaching Schools can best be supported to deliver on their roles and responsibilities, and how they and the schools in their alliances can engage with arts and cultural opportunities.

To start to build this understanding, we have worked with EdComs to build an interactive map showing London Teaching Schools*, their school and university alliance partners, and the arts and cultural organisations with which they were already working.

EdComs researchers reviewed information available on school websites, contacted all of the Teaching Schools in London and interviewed school leaders about their current activities, partner organisations and any support needs.

* This maps the first 31 Teaching School alliances and their partners. As more schools are designated Teaching Schools, information will be added to this.